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Handmade Gift Exchange :: Winter Edition

30 Nov

Last summer I participated in a handmade gift exchange and had so much fun with it that I decided to do it again. Linda of Craftaholics Anonymous organizes the whole thing and does a great job of it.

I got paired up with Heather, who lives in California. We emailed quite a bit and it seems like we have a lot in common.

I decided to make a Christmas card holder for her.

I started with a 6×12 canvas.


I painted the words, “Merry Christmas,” and decorated it.

Then I painted a bunch of clothespins…


And decorated them.


I’m pretty happy with the final product. So happy, in fact, that it was really difficult to pack it up and send it to Heather!


I hope she loves it as much as I do, and I can’t wait to see what she’s made for me!

Head on over here and check out all the other gifts that were exchanged!